Page Thirtytwo
Thinking about your mom probably shouldn’t send you into a blind, murderous rage.
I hope this comic doesn’t make it look like I hate my mom like how I think Tim Burton totally hates his dad. I love my mom. She’s a nice lady. :3
Thinking about your mom probably shouldn’t send you into a blind, murderous rage.
I hope this comic doesn’t make it look like I hate my mom like how I think Tim Burton totally hates his dad. I love my mom. She’s a nice lady. :3
Why does Tim Burton hate his dad…? And wow, Schtein’s in a drug-induced raaaaage. D:
I take it you haven’t watched enough of his movies to notice all the dad-hate.
Who needs beer goggles when u have drugs to make all your podgy men look like hot women!!! Honestly tho, the justopoxation between the first and second panel is very well done :D
awwwww gross, it’s his mom, dude. D:<
Some guys are just into the whole GILF thing. (I’m sorry)
Man, I wish I could have watched you color this, but it would have been waaaaay too late at night. And methinks Schtein does indeed have the guts now. Yes. regretting this yet, Dr. Auditore? You should be. It’d be a little funny (but all too fitting) if Schtein’s first intentional cold-blooded murder was because in the midst of drug-induced rage he thought the victim was someone else. Time to start waiting anxiously for the next page! Always worth the wait. (I don’t mean to sound like I’m subtly urging you to go faster. I’m not. Take your time. It really is worth the wait.)
She has a live feed?! Why did I not know about this? Where is it? When does it happen?! o__o
I usually mention it on my twitter and my tumblr.
But the times are kind of random.
how can it be and intentional cold-blooded murder be because of the killer thinking the victim was someone else? that would be un-intentional…
Well, intentional in that he was trying to kill someone and didn’t just do it by accident (like with the lab explosion). Yeah. I could have worded that better. :D
Man, young-Schtein always freaks me out a little when seen next to now-Schtein. He looks so…Aryan.
I love this comic so much. I put it in my Freak Angels category of “augh I love it so much I wish it updated hourly instead of weekly but augh it’s so awesome”
Hourly? i can read a page a minute, don’t make me wait an hour!
although, i guess i would need to sleep, eventually…
Why is it that every time this guy starts hallucinating, he feels the need to strangle somebody?
I bet Dr. Auditore will be restraining his patients before administering the psychotropic cocktail from now on.
that probably would have been the wise thing to do.
I was kind of wondering why he hadn’t thought this through a little better.
Still hoping he doesn’t die. =( He’s my favorite now. Which with my luck means he is doomed.
If Stein doesn’t kill him first. :>
Or better yet, just use pot from now on. :U
My mom was a catholic torturer that chased me out of the house a year ago. I understand his rage. :1
PS; my mom kicked me out because I said I wanted to go to a far away college as well LOL!
I have a friend who has a similar relationship with his mom (similar to young Schtein, not grown-up Schtein). I wonder if it will turn out the same way for him.
Yeah, my mother used to try all of this manipulation-style horseshit on me. Then she tried it on my kids. Hoooo yeah, I slammed that door shut so fast it made her head spin. But blind, murderous rage? Nah. That’s why they make booze. Sweet, sweet booze.
Wow, that’s a pretty fancy place Schtein used to live in…But don’t they live in the post-apocalypse or something?
Amazing how much Schtein has changed over the years…
Probably shouldn’t……but it does.
Is this the youngest we’ve ever seen Schtein?
outside of photographs, yeah. He’s like 16 here.
Three years from undergrad to phd? Damn! Further proof that Schtein is just awesome.
Ah parents, you cant live with em, and you can’t leave them without them giving you a guilt trip. I dont believe in drugged stein way though, as is written on hamlet (or to be exact: the discworld parody wyrd sisters) you won’t stop seeing the blood on your hands which will give you an even bigger guilt trip, it’s odd how parents always know how to push your buttons until you’re insane, exhibit A:Schtein, exhibit B: MJ (was a great musician that made wonderful art, but the man was a psycho)
That t-shirt really brings out the blue of his eyes.
Well, not sure it’s a murderous rage YET, but it’s certainly working up to it. xD It’s still hinging on pity, really. Lovely page, though. I love the angle for panel 4.
Over and over this scene is reminding me of the Firefly episode “War Stories.” All Schtein needs to do is scream “You still want to meet the real me?!” (or some equivalent) as he’s strangling the doctor.
Is this the first time something like this has happened to the doctor, where his drugs/mind poking have set something off in his ‘patient’ or the first time this has happened where he was off his guard? I’m thinking he was caught off guard.
one million win points for the firefly reference…
Kill, Doctor Schtein! Kill! Kill! Iä! Iä! Mglw’nafh Cthulhu fhtagn!
I am – I must admit – quite unbecomingly excited by the prospect of bestial manslaughter carried out by a deranged quantum physicist.
Apart from that, I am also quite taken with Miss Beckey’s prodigious skill in rendering human bodily configurations, particularly the hand. Kudos to her for another page well done.
And the shading! O’ the shading! Quite beautiful, indeed.
Oh no Schtein. Don’t you know that telling your mother you’re trying to get away from her is only going to make things worse?
ugghhhh…i know what he feels like. my mother (like everyone in the rest of my life) has a nasty habit of turning my words against me, and on top of that, she won’t let me live my own life…and i will apologize to beckey for all the people (including myself) for commenting about our sad lives…and to people who might take offense at this, it’s just a joke…