Page Thirty-two
Now he’s being REALLY immature. And crazy. Glove withdrawal!
{edit}: hey, I didn’t draw this in widescreen format, because I wasn’t thinking, so the file I’ll be sending out is in regular screen format. I’ll leave any cropping to be done to get it to fit into widescreen up to you guys, though. Sorry about that! Lesson learned for next month!
Hey, I finished the donation incentive/thankyou wallpaper!

If you want it, you can donate a dollar or more. There’s a comment box on the donation screen, and in there just write your screen resolution and your email address and I’ll send it to you shortly!
If you already donated just email me with your info and I’ll get right on that as soon as possible.
You can share it amongst yourselves, just please don’t repost it anywhere public, okay? Thank you very much for helping keep the site online! You guys are awesome, keep on rocking!
jesus built my hot rod
hey now, Ministry is awesome. >:|
I like how quickly he goes from laughing over Langstrom to freaking out over his gloves.
He can handle drug with drawl, JUST GIVE HIM THE GLOVES. hahaha I love this page; the poses, the crosshatching, the expressions–It just rules <3
I saw a rough of this pose in one of your dumps a few weeks ago, and I wondered, “Now this is interesting. I wonder when this will show up.”
The first panel gave me a slight chuckle, but when I saw the first word in the last panel, my sister and I just burst out laughing and couldn’t stop. The only withdrawal he was suffering from was his one truuue love. This is just such a great page. It has made my day by far, Beckey.
I love the the words being blocked by the foreground, adds to his ranting ability. Makes it look like not every word matters, it’s just him being crazy.
Also, muy bien on the pose and details.
Glad to see this comic on the road.
YES, I had the feeling he was going to ask for those. Well, in this case, BEG for them. I was thinking to myself, (because I avoid doing anything else) “Well, if he’s in a hospital(ish), why doens’t he steal them?”
I couldn’t bear to finish the page because I was laughing so hard. I’ll do that now.
I thought of that during school, now that I remember…. I also was at school checking for an update of this~ (I had a good feeling it was going to be today, I felt the glitter hit the roof with that.)
Hah, that last panel is great, the rant and also his fight leg- nice foot detail there.
Aw, I liked the incentive.
That last panel is AMAZING. I can’t stop staring at it.
Two seconds from now he’s going to freak out because he’ll realize he’s touching the doctor’s coat with his BARE HANDS.
Naw, the doctor is sterile.
Aww, they must give them back to him!
I absolutely love how you drew the back of his head on that last panel. His hair rocks!
Overall awesome dynamic stuff going on in the last one. You rock!
Last panel is not without its considerable charms, but I’m in love with the first panel for some reason. I think it’s Schtein’s pose of immaturity combined with the doctor’s expression XD
There were really a lot of awesome poses on this page, but funnily enough, i really like the second panel. For aesthetic reasons more than emotional reasons, i guess. It really just gives this feel of maliciousness. (that is emotional, stupid) This goes without saying, but schtein has really skinny legs. …Whatever, keep going!
I am really emjoying this comic! Ha, love the glove obsession, poor guy. Give the man gloves!
Let me just say I love how you draw a variety of poses. They communicate so much action. Also, your characters have different facial features to distinguish themselves…not some different color hair cut. That is also awesome.
Also: Also: Crazy Schtein is love
Keep making awesome stuff, please <3 <3 <3
I suspect the first panel on the next page will be something like, “Yesterday? You’ve been here for three days already.” But maybe ‘three” will really be like five, or two weeks or something.
I don’t think prison infirmaries force a 3-day limit xP
I love his face in panel 2. No idea why.
Prison infirmaries wouldn’t enforce a 3-day limit, but if the patient isn’t very sick and/or doesn’t have a medical need to be there for an extended period of time, they won’t keep them any longer than necessary. Alcohol withdrawal can be very dangerous, though, and can last for much longer than a few days.
They try to keep a certain number of beds open in case of riots or stabbings or things of a more serious nature. Also they have a limited staff, so they can’t keep him around for too long.
Alcohol withdrawal is dangerous, but the acute symptoms usually pass in a few days or more depending on the severeity, Schtein can spend the rest of his recovery time in his cell, with occasional checkups.
He’s actually rather lucky, usually this sort of thing causes brain damage, but he’s sort of a special case. Part of why his recovery is fairly quick and less severe.
My first thought on Schtein’s snide “personal space” comment was “As if Langstrom would be interested in you, Schtein!” But then I remembered that awful flashback to their first meeting, where we see that their rivalry was ENTIRELY Schtein’s fault. Maybe Langstrom was nursing a small crush like Osgood? Before they got to know him, that is.
Ha! That was my first thought, too – “jeeze, a bit full yourself, aren’t you?”
ACTUALLY actually, what might make sense is if Langstrom was intentionally getting in Schtein’s personal space just to piss him off, especially since personal space is the type of thing Schtein is probably sensitive about.
I knew it was his gloves causing all those hallucinations and stuff!
Actually, it was the withdrawal.
My god.
I just took my Ambien, for sleep, and it has mild hallucinogenic qualities, and this comic appears to be in beautiful 3D! You can even see slight motion between the foreground figures and the background, especially in Panel 3.
The WIP drawing looks more 3D than usual, too!!
The last panel is utterly MASTERFUL! He grabs the guy with the Central Word, GLOVES!!! but then as our attention drifts from the clutching of the doctor to the less important details of Dr. Schtein’s feet, he continues to speak, dragging his single sensical burst into a long, unintelligible ramble of lunacy. These extraneous things are tossed out from the side of GLOVES! and the clutch like sea foam.
… you know what, I’d better sleep before continuing.
And the String Theory logo totally pops, it’s floating above the background… and all the white text on black is wavvvy… EVERYONE! YOU GOTTA READ ST WHILE TAKING AMBIEN! GET A PRESCRIPTION **TODAY**!!
Is that a spoiler in the donation incentive…? >>
It’s more like a foreshadowing than a spoiler, I’d say.
You can’t be a crazy scientist without your gloves!
Not as pop-from-the-page 3D was it was when I was on Ambien, but still very well done three-dimensionality. Skillful use of colors, tones, and form. Blurring of distant and background images could give it a more distinct 3D pop.
And I stand by my remark about the last panel. We go from a sharp and clear punch, with him saying “GLOVES!” and grabbing the doctor, to a muddled and uncaptivating finish, with the eye traveling to his leg and down the speech bubbles as they get more incoherent. It’s really well done!
the RSS just before the comments is the older one.
Yeah, I know. I imported all the posts and stuff straight from the old site. I’ll fix it shortly.
Problem with this new site!
Before, each page’s URL ended in something like “chaptertwo/page-thirty-one/”, so if I wanted to go to, say, the tenth page of Chapter 2, I could just type “chaptertwo/page-ten” into the URL.
Your new system replaces the page numbers with unpredictable numbers like “p=381”, where the page before “p=381” is “p-367.” In other words, impossible to predict, so now if I want to navigate to a particular page, I need to click the navigation buttons a bunch of times.
My suggestion is that you name each page something like “c02p31” for Chapter 2, Page 31, “c01p02” for Chapter 1,, Page 2, etc. This not only makes it easy to type page numbers into the URL, it will cause the pages to organize themselves in the correct order when someone downloads each image to their computer so they can read the comic offline.
You may be intimidated by the idea of renaming all the pages, but really, it’s less than 80 pages. You’ll be done in an hour or two– the time it takes to watch a couple TV shows. Trust me, it’ll be for the best in the long run.
I know, this is wordpress’s default pageination setup, I just haven’t had the chance to change it yet. It’s sort of least of my concerns at the moment.
It’ll probably go back to the way it was later on today, but I’m more concerned with putting out the new page right now.
Don’t know if you know this already, but the common and easy approach is to type in /%category%/%postname%/ in the ‘Custom structure’ text field under Settings >> Permalinks in the WordPress menu.
For this page that would make the URL ‘’
That’s a pretty long URL, but easy to navigate.
..Then I recalled that was probabaly the structure you did use before, duh. Never mind :P
Probably, but it saves me the trouble of having to look it up again. Thanks! :D
I swear that IV has a life of its own! Awesome as always.
Used your banner up at my links page. Here.
Props to new site, still looks ridiculously good.
Awesome, thank you!
You know i live to read ur comic. i love u for doing this and putting some much hard work and time into the comic, BUT WHERE THE F%$K IS THE NEW PAGE?!!!??
Hahah, well, I’ve been working on it, but it’s sort of slow going. I’m afraid I did something to my back and I’ve been sort of laid up for a few days now.
Heh. I love how you drew the leg. Nice details!
Shouldn’t it be “doesn’t” instead of “don’t” in “I thought he was just one of those people that don’t know the meaning of personal space”?
Otherwise, fantastic comic!
I’ve reread it twice already, and I’ve only liked it since yesterday. :p
Thank you!
Oh, but Dr. Schtein’s atrocious grammar is on purpose, so ‘doesn’t’ is more correct, but not in character.
“those people” is plural, isn’t it? :)
A very excellent comic, I hope you’re feeling better :)
God bless and tyvm, it’s is an awesome read and enjoyable feast for my eyes (nom, nom, crunch)lol
Something about the pacing on this page seems a little rushed. Maybe there needs to be more than one panel between Schtein laughing and then suddenly going nutso about gloves?
(love your comic)