Page Fortytwo
Jayjay sure is looking aghast at a lot of things lately. Gonna start a blog and fill it with pictures of Jayjay looking at things with horrified disdain.
Jayjay sure is looking aghast at a lot of things lately. Gonna start a blog and fill it with pictures of Jayjay looking at things with horrified disdain.
JayJay is like the reader’s emotional reflection. So we don’t feel in alone in aghastity.
BTW, love Krow’s CRAZY EYES in panel six.
OMG. I didn’t notice that until you pointed it out, and I BURST OUT LAUGHING.
Hah, I suppose so. He’s the only prisoner who seems at all like an okay guy so far. That includes the main character.
Jayjay is this story’s moral backbone xD
I absolutely love that outside shot of the prison. the colors are beautiful.
Which is pretty sad, considering they’re in maximum security prison.
For some reason, Schtein saying “He’s my bitch now” cracks me up. I feel like it’s something he should never be allowed to say, but I couldn’t say why. And yes, that exterior shot is absolutely lovely. Oh, and Schtein’s face in panel 2 is amazing. He has the best facial expressions I’ve ever seen in a comic.
Schtein you wily little coyote, you!
And pannel 3? That, my friend, is the face of a man who has sussed it!
Oooh, scenery. Love the clouds esp.
I would absolutely follow a blog of aghast-Jayjay.
Jayjay looks aghast at fruit.
Jayjay looks aghast at children rollerskating.
Jayjay looks aghast at a log.
I’d follow, favorite, and leave it on my Chrome homepage.
Dear god your art has improved so much! The flow! The angles! The expressions! All the little ways the characters carry themselves and are distinct from each other. So good.
Awww, thank you!
Hai JayJay! Wanna join our lil group!? =D
That last panel is so SBaHJ. (I’m assuming you know what I’m talking about because of Sweet Doc and Hella Phin.)
hes totally doing the 8^y face!
he told him bro, he warned him about stabs!
both him and Krow kinda are.
comic obviously needs more B^U face, let me make that happen.
I love how cheerful Doc looks when telling people that he has a bitch.
also, artgasm, flat.
It’s a new personal achievement! Actually it’s the only thing he’s really accomplished so far in the entire comic. Way to go, Doc!
It’s hard to get symbolism more flagrant than that fourth panel there.
He “smooths things over. If you know what he means” Bow chika wow wow!
….with his mouth :x
Krow can turn his crazy on and off like a light switch. I still remember when he was cackling like a maniac in the furnace room.
…..”I’m very good with my mouth.”
Stien: Yes he is VERY good.
Jayjay: -.-
I wonder…when Stein needs to hurt someone, who will he get to do his dirty work for him and how will he ensure that they don’t turn his “projects” against him?
Love how Schtein’s body language and expressions are so communicative.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! EPIC LOL!!!!!!!!! i cant stop laughing at that last panel XD.
All I can say is amazing! And also, fun times are to be had by all, me thinks. Except JayJay. He seems to be thrown in with ALL teh crazies lately! Schtien, Armastus, Krow…. Its like an insane tribunal!
SCHTEIN IS SO CUTE I CANT EVEN TAKE IT also these environments are wonderful jfc
Oh God, I thought it was going to be brilliant, but that’s probably the best page so far.
I can picture Schtein’s horror when he realises he’s got to regularly beat this guy’s face into hamburger meat to keep up appearances…
horror? I think you mean delight.
How about when he realises what ‘bitch’ means in prison?
I feel like Krow’s crazy kinda goes with whoever he is currently following. Schtien’s crazy is was different than Drew’s so he needs to cultivate that to keep the protection train a’rollin.
Thus the effeminate hand gesture out of the blue in the last panel. I’m lovin it.
it’s not really meant to be an effeminate hand gesture it’s meant to be a smoooooth hand gesture. You know, like that side swipey thing with your fingers flared out rather than a limp wrist.
There are no words that can describe how much I squeed when I read this page. I literally flailed and had tor e-read it a few times because seriously… artgasm! I love your expressions. I LOVE the prison and the cloud, and I love the way the plot is turning. You are AWESOME!
Yes indeed SaltyKracka! It’s a new day now that Dr. Schtein sees the benefits in being a crime boss.
Just imagine that facebook post. “Found out that I can have bitches of my own. I am pleased.”
Hahah, that’s pretty good. Now I can’t use it. Darn! Better just not update his facebook for another three months or so. :T
I’m sorry I read his mind. I’m so sorry. you guys need to wear your tinfoil hats more often.
Oh how Schtein’s group grows. I certainly hope he takes them with him when he eventually escapes.
When I read this page, my first thought was:
“What’s Doc’s favorite lolipop flavor?”
Completely irrelevant to what everyone else is saying, but hey, I’m curious now.
I absolutely love panel four, by the way. You need to do some more landscapes, Beckey, I absolutely love them!
he’s not really a sweet stuff kinda guy, so I don’t think he has a favorite flavor. The one he’s got right now is apple. Maybe more sour stuff is okay with him. I dunno. He’s only eating it because he can’t smoke indoors.
why is Schtein so pale
is he just one of those naturally pale people or is he like albino or something
He had a fair complexion to begin with, and he hasn’t gotten much sunlight in the past decade or so, living in an underground secret government facility and all.
Oh my. Panel 2 Schtein looks like cardcrusher :D
btw, I really like his teeth! For some reason his tiny eyeteeth and the gap right after them are so endearing. And that landscape rocks! Those clouds are like woah. WOAH clouds, WOAH. Reign in that awesomeness a little, ok? Those puns were not intentional but you may keep them as a gift.
Do eet!
Does he have a tally of Bitches he has in his cell? Seems like something one should keep track of. T: also , I showed the landscape panel to an art teacher and she LOVED it. Oh and me too. xD
Hmm, I’ve never seen a maximum security prison with a “Welcome” sign. It might have a sign that simply states the name, but never with “welcome” preceding it. What a nice place to be incarcerated!
that was a great supervillain “Anything?” panel there
Huh. I haven’t been able to find this facebook page people keep mentioning. Does anyone have the link?
I actually just deactivated it today. I’ll do something better than that soon.
is that what happened to Schtien’s formspring? I miss asking him pointless questions.
I demand someone create a DAT ASS meme picture for panel two. I-it has to be done!
Ooh, pretty pretty thunderstorm. I can haz, for real? Out here by Lake Travis please?
No. It will never rain here. Ever. We’ve been cursed by a witch.
I was just noticing something. I thought before that the Doc was just tired and overworked, or stressed out. But now I’m wondering, are his eyelids that dark because of his implants being black. Like they… shine.. darkly… through the skin? WTF that makes no sense, but I bet you know what I mean.
nah, he’s just got dark eyelids.
Oh Dr. Schtein… when you try to be gangsta saying he’s your bitch… it’s so adorable.
I just realized – the Doctor has his first minion!
My thoughts exactly.. Captain-Henchman One, Hopefully will follow him when/if he breaks out of jail, or when/if he ignites, detonates, crumbles, dematerializes, or otherwise somehow damages the prison.
Panel four made my head explode
Can I follow that blog. I hope it updates four times a day.
sooooo creepy…but great comic
Wow, Stein looks so different now. I love how slowly you shifted that change onto him- it’s been really visible in the new expressions he pulls, what he counts as important, the colours and parts of each page that are highlighted. It’s awesome. I’m assuming that’ll make anything ‘old’ – as in, to do with Delia – much easier to notice (and more poignant). Sorry Doc, here’s a reminder of you pre-prison. Not going to go over well. :/
And thus the plot begins in earnest to move towards the main point of this webcomic, the rise of a Mad Scientist who tries to take over / destroy the world. And now he has his first minion.
Oh wow jeez I looked away for like 3 pages and your art is just soaring in quality! Everything is looking super rad, did you make a deal with the devil or something because I want in on that!
If I was writing this comic, this would be the time for everyone to break into song for a showstopping musical number, “I’ve got a bitch!”
Good thing I’m not writing this comic.