Hold on, this is an Alt-Timeline where the near-worst case occurred at the “Bay of Pigs” back in 1962. That was Seven years before the “Stonewall Bar” incident following the death of Judy Garland. Somehow, in this version of 1969, I think the average homosexual would instead have been pretty much like everyone else, focused on avoiding fallout rather then cultural revolution. My point is that, [By 1963, a new sense of the word gay was known well enough to be used by Albert Ellis in his book “The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Man-Hunting”. Similarly, Hubert Selby, Jr. in his 1964 novel Last Exit to Brooklyn, could write that a
character “took pride in being a homosexual by feeling intellectually and esthetically superior to those (especially women) who weren’t gay…”]{from Wikipedia}, so, for the Term “gay” to even stand a chance to survives the next 90 years to 2053 (or thereabouts), Ellis’s book had to have already been well read and sufficiently influential in the months between publication and the escalation in Cuba for the word to have a fighting chance of developing that association to homosexuals, as all other works leading up to its standardization by 1970, *NEVER* existed in Stein’s world. “Gays”, in all probability should have been called something else by now, as many persons places and things that have and will exist in one world will not in the other.
For example, In our world his Grandfather is probably a bioengineer in Israel trying to figure out how to grow edible fungus cheaply in a desert climate. Several types of Cordiceps are said to be quite tasty.
Gay has had homosexual connotations since the 1950s, and before that it was sexual slang since like the 19th century. By the time the book you’re talking about was written gay had been already well established.
We started calling ourselves gay because homosexual sounds very clinical and is associated with psychiatry trying to classify it as a mental disease. So, Langstrom would refer to himself as gay, yeah.
Its details like this I do love making sure I read the comments!
I mean not just this… the attention to detail paid on getting the German accents right too.
Their almost like icing on the cake when it comes to writing B)
Shows your more than JUST a pretty good and getting better and better with every page artist!
well I had to look that stuff up after, but I mean even if he was right I just don’t care like I’m writing dialogue to be understood, not so much to be accurate. He could have also called himself a homophile since that was the self determined word before gay but honestly to my modern ears that sounds too similar to pedophile. Like I can’t think of any words with ‘phile’ in them that sound good, even if it just means love.
i mean technically ghost busters probably shouldn’t exist in this universe either but I wanted to make a joke about that
I could probably explain it away by saying most of hollywood just moved another state or Canada, or something, which is what would definitely happen if the west coast was ruined anyway
paraphrasing the mst3k theme song; it’s just a comic, you should really just relax :D
Well, While I enjoy your story, I suppose your world is a little too much like ours, in the subtle culturalities. Perhaps that shows you have tremendous faith in the tenacity of the American spirit? That is the best excuse; still, after reading a story like “A Cantical For Lebowitz”, as well as a lot of Turtledove, particularly his “Guns of the South”, as well as being aware of the kinds of popular eccentricities that go into the development of popular slang, (the history of “Okay”, is hilarious), I look forward to the creative little things that are normal and taken for granted in their world but don’t exist whatsoever in ours. I suppose I was just trying to encourage it more then anything with this critique. I am still of the opinion that the expression’s dominant usage in our timeline was at least fragile enough in 1962 that a global catastrophe could have derailed it.
Now that I think about it, your cultural motif, at least within the surviving parts of America, seems to be not so much a radical redirecting of cultural development, as a radical slowing down of it. It is still going in the same direction, but sloooowly. Pop culture Fashions on all levels, instead of cycling in and out every 3-5 years, take 15-20. That makes sense, it is similar to how slowly fashions evolved in Europe before the industrial revolution. The constant pressure from a national hardship really eats away at such things.
Langstrom seems more laid back these days. Or as birdy dude said, no fucks given. Awesome Lang, dude! LOL I guess having to be put back together will do that to you. And, oh yeeeah, things ending with ‘phile’ just sounds so wrong.
Those bad associations really dig in hard to our brains, like “diarrhea”, which is not a noun referring to “liquid shit”, as popularized by doctors, but is verb meaning “to flow through”, that is, ANY kind of liquid flowing freely through ANY type of open enclosure, be it wind floiwing through a ring, or soda flowing through a straw. It’s most common usage in Roman times was for clean “aqua diarrhea via aqueducta”. “Pedophile” could have been the most innocent term of endearment.
Could have been. And like the swastika in the West, pedophile’s meaning has changed to not being so innocent. And I say the West because over in places like China, South Korea and such the Swastika is still used as a mundane, spiritual symbol and is used on maps and signs to signify temple/holy site this way/here. Which is what it is suppose to be. However- due to Western events and history, the swastika understandably does not mean that any more in most of the West nor should be used that way (though it would be accurate) in the West. Because things change and negative association.
to be fair, if my sister ran a private prison, i’d keep her in the dark, too
I mean like, he did get beaten daily in there, but he didn’t say so. he just glossed over it in one panel.
I’m sure she just inferred it from the fact that he’s a huge wimpy asshole. Only natural.
Hold on, this is an Alt-Timeline where the near-worst case occurred at the “Bay of Pigs” back in 1962. That was Seven years before the “Stonewall Bar” incident following the death of Judy Garland. Somehow, in this version of 1969, I think the average homosexual would instead have been pretty much like everyone else, focused on avoiding fallout rather then cultural revolution. My point is that, [By 1963, a new sense of the word gay was known well enough to be used by Albert Ellis in his book “The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Man-Hunting”. Similarly, Hubert Selby, Jr. in his 1964 novel Last Exit to Brooklyn, could write that a
character “took pride in being a homosexual by feeling intellectually and esthetically superior to those (especially women) who weren’t gay…”]{from Wikipedia}, so, for the Term “gay” to even stand a chance to survives the next 90 years to 2053 (or thereabouts), Ellis’s book had to have already been well read and sufficiently influential in the months between publication and the escalation in Cuba for the word to have a fighting chance of developing that association to homosexuals, as all other works leading up to its standardization by 1970, *NEVER* existed in Stein’s world. “Gays”, in all probability should have been called something else by now, as many persons places and things that have and will exist in one world will not in the other.
For example, In our world his Grandfather is probably a bioengineer in Israel trying to figure out how to grow edible fungus cheaply in a desert climate. Several types of Cordiceps are said to be quite tasty.
good god man
Gay has had homosexual connotations since the 1950s, and before that it was sexual slang since like the 19th century. By the time the book you’re talking about was written gay had been already well established.
We started calling ourselves gay because homosexual sounds very clinical and is associated with psychiatry trying to classify it as a mental disease. So, Langstrom would refer to himself as gay, yeah.
PS, it’s spelled Schtein.
Its details like this I do love making sure I read the comments!
I mean not just this… the attention to detail paid on getting the German accents right too.
Their almost like icing on the cake when it comes to writing B)
Shows your more than JUST a pretty good and getting better and better with every page artist!
well I had to look that stuff up after, but I mean even if he was right I just don’t care like I’m writing dialogue to be understood, not so much to be accurate. He could have also called himself a homophile since that was the self determined word before gay but honestly to my modern ears that sounds too similar to pedophile. Like I can’t think of any words with ‘phile’ in them that sound good, even if it just means love.
i mean technically ghost busters probably shouldn’t exist in this universe either but I wanted to make a joke about that
I could probably explain it away by saying most of hollywood just moved another state or Canada, or something, which is what would definitely happen if the west coast was ruined anyway
paraphrasing the mst3k theme song; it’s just a comic, you should really just relax :D
Well, While I enjoy your story, I suppose your world is a little too much like ours, in the subtle culturalities. Perhaps that shows you have tremendous faith in the tenacity of the American spirit? That is the best excuse; still, after reading a story like “A Cantical For Lebowitz”, as well as a lot of Turtledove, particularly his “Guns of the South”, as well as being aware of the kinds of popular eccentricities that go into the development of popular slang, (the history of “Okay”, is hilarious), I look forward to the creative little things that are normal and taken for granted in their world but don’t exist whatsoever in ours. I suppose I was just trying to encourage it more then anything with this critique. I am still of the opinion that the expression’s dominant usage in our timeline was at least fragile enough in 1962 that a global catastrophe could have derailed it.
Now that I think about it, your cultural motif, at least within the surviving parts of America, seems to be not so much a radical redirecting of cultural development, as a radical slowing down of it. It is still going in the same direction, but sloooowly. Pop culture Fashions on all levels, instead of cycling in and out every 3-5 years, take 15-20. That makes sense, it is similar to how slowly fashions evolved in Europe before the industrial revolution. The constant pressure from a national hardship really eats away at such things.
people on star trek dress with 1980s/70s sensibilities.
It’s called “artistic license”. I’m sure Grundy has one hanging on the wall. Embroidered, of course.
Didn’t see that one coming…
I like how no-fucks-given Langstrom is now.
Langstrom seems more laid back these days. Or as birdy dude said, no fucks given. Awesome Lang, dude! LOL I guess having to be put back together will do that to you. And, oh yeeeah, things ending with ‘phile’ just sounds so wrong.
Those bad associations really dig in hard to our brains, like “diarrhea”, which is not a noun referring to “liquid shit”, as popularized by doctors, but is verb meaning “to flow through”, that is, ANY kind of liquid flowing freely through ANY type of open enclosure, be it wind floiwing through a ring, or soda flowing through a straw. It’s most common usage in Roman times was for clean “aqua diarrhea via aqueducta”. “Pedophile” could have been the most innocent term of endearment.
Could have been. And like the swastika in the West, pedophile’s meaning has changed to not being so innocent. And I say the West because over in places like China, South Korea and such the Swastika is still used as a mundane, spiritual symbol and is used on maps and signs to signify temple/holy site this way/here. Which is what it is suppose to be. However- due to Western events and history, the swastika understandably does not mean that any more in most of the West nor should be used that way (though it would be accurate) in the West. Because things change and negative association.
Or logorrhea, of which we’ve seen several examples of here.