Class ID: Green 471903
Name: Schtein, Herville Albert “Doc”
D. O. B.: 12, Oct. 2023
History: Son of reclusive child psychology author Gloria Hermann, grandson of notorious terrorist Dr. Orville von Schtein. Born with ■■■■■■■-syndrome, taken to ■■■■■■ for treatment, 20■■. Enrolled in Project-■■■■■■■■. All symptoms clear, continued monitoring for side effects advised. Abnormal brain wave activity reported, benign. Subject finished degree in theoretical particle physics at an early age. Related?
occupation: Unemployed, formerly employed by OSS technical research division, station ■■. Project-■■■■■ ■■■■■
Origin: Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Last Known Whereabouts: Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, public. Reports of activity in Nevada ■■■■■■■■■■■■
Identifying Characteristics: Premature grey hair, prominent nose, red on black eyes, known to constantly sport black driving-gloves.
Psych: Egotistical, self centered, moody, known to wallow in severe bouts of depression, dallies in various addictions. Easy to intimidate, especially from female sources. Extreme aversion to physical touch.